Other sermons in the series

Epic Bible: Truth That Matters The Stench of Truth- Week I

Epic Bible: Truth That Matters -Cracked Mouth Christians- Week II

Epic Bible: Truth That Matters -When Push Comes to Shove: The Foxhole in Ministry

Epic Bible: The Proof to the Truth

Epic Bible: What About Love?- Week IV

Epic Bible: Can The Holy Spirit Depart From the Church

Epic Bible: God is God

Epic Bible: Truth That Matters He's Present in Your Pain Week V

Epic Bible: Watch Out for Them Dogs

Epic Bible: Baby's Breath- How Biblically & Spiritually Cerebral Are You- Week IV

Epic Bible Series: Homophily- Tribal Disunity in 21st Century Church_Week VII

Epic Bible Series: Who Let The Dogs Out

Epic Bible Series: It's Time to Address the Mess

Epic Bible Series: "God Will Take Care of You"

Epic Bible Series: "Is God The Author of Confusion?"

Epic Bible Series: Homophophily- Tribal Disunity III- Unscrupulous

Epic Bible Series: Hypocrisy- The Evil in Our Good

Epic Bible Series: Honor In the Church

Epic Bible: Back to Eden

Epic Bible Series: "God Just Needs a Remnant Handful!"