MIME Ministry
To share God’s word through song and dance, so that people will be saved and experience a personal relationship with our Lord Jesus Christ. (Matthew 28:19-20)
Mission Statement
To praise and worship the Lord, which brings about a change in the atmosphere so that the presence of the Holy Spirit will move on the hearts of man drawing them to repentance. (Act 2:38)
Gospel Mime is the depiction of Theater (story telling) through the unspoken word. It is Evangelizing through the use of dance and Expression. Mime is praise and worship only to the most high “God” with the intent that God’s Holy presence will be exhorted among the congregation that he will uplift, encourage, heal, deliver and save His people. Mime dance is deeper than just dancing, souls are at stake and cannot be taken lightly. It’s not about the dancer but the message that God has for you through the dancer! Mime must come from a heart that loves God. It will never be about the dancer, but what God will do through the dancer. We must trust God in all things and never cease to pray. It’s never what the audience thinks but that God pleased with his servants?